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FAQ Section

Date 3. Mar. 2025.


1. Was this method applied actually?  Where and for how many buildings?


We already applied that method on many different projects:

  • Russia – max 2000 tons 6 building – each 10 floors – see photo Russia

  • Malta – max 2000 tons – Jack Up system for lifting barge 30 m up and down – see photo Malta

  • Serbia – max 4500 tons – lift church dome on 40 m high

  • Serbia – max 500 tons – sports arena roof

  • Serbia – max 2000 tons – Belgrade business center Genex


2. What type(s) of buildings that this method could be applied to?


You can use that method if you have projected enough lifting points to safely attach equipment Gorilla NSL 200 T for lifting concrete slabs. Our recommendation is 16 lifting points for lifting 3000 tons, 1500 sq. m, but it can vary from case to case. We strongly recommend you to power point  animation how it works  - that will give you a big picture how it works.


3. What is the maximum height that has been constructed with this method? What about 50 to 90 floor buildings?


There is no limit in floor numbers, but if you have more than 10 floors you must manipulate with Gorilla NSL 200T and move it up and down more times to finish work  see animation how it works.


4. What is the maximum floor area that has been constructed with this method? What about 1000 - 2000 sq. m (10000 - 20000 sq. ft)?


We already lifted 1500 sq. m with 16 lifting points. If you would like to lift greater slabs there are two ways. First, we can increase number of Gorilla NSL 200T lifting points for your case, and second (we recommend) you can split concrete slabs by project on smaller parts.


5. What is the free standing height of columns that can be constructed above the top stack of slabs? Obviously the slenderness ratio must play an important part?


It depends on number and weight of concrete slabs, but we recommend 5 m for first step of lifting. Your engineers could calculate columns like they always do for classical buildnings. In our case difference is only that we use that columns to attach tools and lift concrete. Columns must be strong enough to carry concrete safely and holes for our tools.


6. What is the material of the columns: is it steel or concrete?


It depends of you. For Gorilla NSL 200 T you must put appropriate holes and make it strong enough to carry concrete by your engineers calculations.


7. Could this method be applied when buildings have irregular services cores (elevator shafts / Services shafts, etc.)?


We only need concrete slabs with attached tools, strong lifting columns with attached tools and we can lift concrete on projected levels.


8. How one would garantee the correct level or slope of the slabs?


When you build columns you put marks where is projected level for leaving concrete slab. On that marks you put holes in column to fix concrete slab. In lifting process we leave that slab on exactly position in all lifting points.


9. What precautions or requirements needed when the building has a multi level ground slab or a basement is existing?


We can lift different levels togheter if project needs that kind of lifting.


10. What about the overall stability of the building having 5-7 stacks of 10 floor slabs? What are the precautions required to be taken in this instance of 50-70 floors building?


All stability matters are calculated by your construction engineers. Our system is not dangerous for stability, because it is approximatly zero, compare to concrete slabs, and it works synchronized in maximum 3 mm.


11. Has this method been applied to pitched roofs, or could it be applied? My feeling it might not.


We already lifted that kind of roofs. We can adjust our system to specific needs of a client.


12. How one could ensure that a high rise building would achieve its earthquake/wind resistivity and soundness?


Result of lifting concrete slabs by our equipment is classical building and lifting slabs is only easy way to put concrete on the right place. All stability and other stuff in building construction are calculated by construction engineers.


13. What is the maximum operational height and clearance required for the jacking equipment when used on multi slab stacks construction in high rise buildings?


If you think about needed place to mount our equipment that is about 2 m high.


14. Is there an actual time comparison between the duration required to construct a 50 storey building, e.g., traditionally or by using this method?


Example – you can make 10 concrete slabs on the ground level in 20 days and put lifting columns for Gorilla NSL 200T -  we ( or yours 4 trained workers) can mount equipment and lift that 10 floors in next 3 days. If you have more floors there is the same story but with the more manipulation.  App you can build 50 floors 5 times faster than tradicionally. You allways build concrete on ground and lift them sequentionaly, stack by stack.


15. What is the system price?


That depends of case, but we recommend 16 lifting points system, 4500 tons, 1800 sq. m, fully automatized system, app. 25.000 EUR per lifting point. In price are included all tools for lifting with user manuals, documentation and training for using tools. We also separetly can contract lifting process with our staff. You can use that equipments many times.


This story is very specific and mostly matter of deal so feel free to contact us for more information. We are company ready to adjust our system to clients specific needs. We understand that,it is easy for us, and expect more question to resolve your doubts.


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